After the shock outcome of our EU Referendum, we were pleased to find an article looking to the future after Brexit on the 23rd June. Aimed at the Tech industry, but interestingly relevant to most sectors as Tech is increasingly prominent in most business models.
A group of over 50 technology business chiefs led by Baroness Martha Lane-Fox have called on entrepreneurs to “look forward, not backwards” after Brexit vote and send a clear message about their optimism for Britain’s future.

The group has written a letter to the Evening Standard stating that it is “vital” to let the world know that the UK “will never stop being a competitive, entrepreneurial and dynamic place to innovate and create jobs”. After noting that the nation is “shell-shocked” but the “worst thing to do now would be dwell on the result and not look to the future”. They say “whichever way you voted, now is the time to lean in – and as entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders, that’s what we’ll all be doing in the days, months and years ahead”.
Some experts predict these some 58 signatories will overtake the City as a provider of jobs within the capital.
Atomico, Internet Investment firm, have blogged “We’ve seen this over and over again. Microsoft and FedEx started out in the US recession and oil crisis in 1973-1975. Skype was founded in 2002, during what was still the dotcom nuclear winter. Airbnb, Spotify and Uber were born during the 2008-09 financial crisis. This, if it turns out to be a crisis, will be no different”. There are currently a number of blogs from Technology firms urging the tech sector to “Keep Calm and Code On”.
It seems there is light at the end of the #Brexit tunnel for our booming Tech industry and we are excited to see who will be the next big leader forging international business relationships and creating jobs throughout the UK and across the world.