- The ‘Provider’ means eOffice
- The ‘Partner’ means the operator of the workspace listed in the Platform and signed up to the eOffice eNetwork
- The ‘Member’ means the person/business who is the user of any service/product
- The ‘Service(s)’ means any service/product selected or booked by the Member
- The ‘Platform’ means the eOffice eNetwork website as operated on
- The ‘Listing’ means the page(s) on the Platform describing the Partners workspace locations and services.
- The “Membership Agreement ” means the Partner’s agreement with eOffice eNetwork
- The ‘Agreement’ means the service agreement between the Member and the Partner
For eOffice eNetwork Partners
eOffice 2000 Ltd, the Provider, operates the website and allows workspace operators to promote their services via a listing page per location with online booking functionality. The Service includes, but is not limited to, office space, virtual office, meeting rooms, coworking and day pass. The Listing for Partners is governed by the terms and conditions of your Membership Agreement to the eOffice eNetwork. By using, updating and contributing to your listing pages in the Platform, you agree to be bound by eOffice eNetwork’s Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use.
2.1.1 Only Partners over 18 years of age, in a legal capacity, have the authority to enter a contract as a Partner. Only Partners who have signed a Membership Agreement to be a part of the Provider’s network can create a Listing on the Platform.
2.1.2 Eligibility for Membership requires Partners to agree to the Providers network’s five central tenets that form the “Partner Promise”. These are i) flexibility, ii) design, iii) location, iv) sustainability and v) service. Flexibility refers to offering a range of flexible office services that can include but are not limited to full-time and part-time office space, meeting and conference rooms, day pass or ad-hoc desk-hire and virtual office services. Design refers to the interior design and fit-out of your centre(s) or space(s). It requires Partners to offer a well-designed, high-quality space that includes areas for different working styles such as (but not limited to) shared space for collaboration, quiet space for individual working and meeting space for teams. Location refers to the part of town your space is situated and requires Partners to offer premium locations and sought-after neighbourhoods. Sustainability refers to the green initiatives within your business that benefit the environment, your staff and your wider community. These can range from off-setting carbon footprint, working with local suppliers, charity work, giving back to your community, and implementing increased energy efficiency. Service refers to exceptional customer service and continued dedication to client satisfaction and care that spans all business departments.
2.2.1 The Membership Agreement between “Partner” and “Provider” is based on each calendar year running from 1 January to 31 December and automatically renews each year for the same period
2.2.2 The Membership Agreement may be terminated with a minimum of 2 months’ calendar notice before the yearly renewal date of 1 January for the proceeding year.
2.2.3 The Membership Agreement stipulates a) the membership level the Partner would like to take and b) the number of locations the Partner would like to list through the Provider’s network.
2.2.4 The number of locations listed in the Platform must match those on the Membership Agreement upon initial set-up or those added to the Membership Agreement thereafter.
2.2.5 The Provider may terminate this Membership Agreement immediately by giving notice to the Partner if: The Partner becomes insolvent, goes into liquidation or becomes unable to pay outstanding debts to the Provider when due; The Partner is in breach of one of his/her obligations under this Membership Agreement which cannot be put right or which the Provider has given notice to put right and which the Partner has failed to put right within 7 days of that notice.
2.2.6 By signing up for The Membership Agreement, the Partner agrees to receive email updates and communication via The Provider’s newsletter.
3.1 Once the Partner has entered into a Membership Agreement with the Provider, they will be given access to an online account for the Platform to create and update their listings.
3.2 For each Listing published on the Platform, the Partner must provide complete, accurate information about the workspace and services and cannot include any branding or backlinks.
3.3 The Partner must update the specific information (including descriptions, amenities, opening hours, and pricing to reflect any changes and ensure each Listing is up-to-date at all times.
3.3.1 The Platform is set to UTC timezone. The Partner must update their opening hours for the corresponding UTC and ensure this is up to date throughout the year if the Partner’s residence country changes to Daylight Saving Time.
3.3.2 Prices listed for the Service by the Partner should include all taxes and be equal to or lower than any published prices on the Partner’s website.
3.3.3 The Partner can choose from 3 currencies; GBP, Euros or Dollars when selling services online. However, all invoices from the Provider will be issued in GBP according to the current currency exchange rate.
3.4 The Provider will approve each Listing before it is published. The Provider reserves the right to request more information and some changes to the Listing prior to it being published.
3.5 Any images added to your Listing on the Platform must reflect the current quality, condition and aesthetic of the Partner’s workspace. The Partner must own the copyright of all images used.
The Platform allows Partners to market five primary services and offers a service page per service with the option to list starting pricing per service.
3.6.1 PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE Private office listings must include details of your enclosed offices available to rent within the maximum capacity per office. The starting price for private office space should reflect the smallest private office hire per month and must include utility charges and all applicable taxes payable by the Member.
3.6.2 MEETING ROOMS Meeting room listings must include details of your meeting or conference rooms available to rent within the maximum capacity, per configuration, per room. The starting price for meeting rooms should reflect the smallest meeting room hire per hour and must include utility charges and all applicable taxes payable by the Member.
3.6.3 VIRTUAL OFFICE Virtual Office listings must include details of different virtual office packages available to rent. The starting price for the virtual office should reflect the cheapest virtual office package per month and must include utility charges and all applicable taxes payable by the Member.
3.6.4 COWORKING Coworking listings must include details of the shared coworking desks available to rent within your space(s). The starting price for the coworking should reflect the cheapest deskspace hire per month and include utility charges and all applicable taxes payable by the Member.
3.6.5 DAY PASS Day Pass listings must include details of the day pass or daily hotdesk available to rent within your space(s). The starting price for the day pass should reflect the day pass or daily rate for a shared deskspace hire and must include utility charges and all applicable taxes payable by the Member.
The Platform allows Members to inquire about Partner services via the “book a tour” or “get a quote” functions. These requests will be sent to the Partner as an online inquiry. Upon receipt of the online inquiry, the Partner agrees to the following terms and conditions:
3.6.1 Respond to or reject the Member’s online inquiry by the next business day or within 24 hours of receiving the email.
3.6.2 Keep the Provider copied on all email correspondence with the Member regarding their inquiry.
3.6.3 Once received (if not rejected), it is the Partner’s responsibility to communicate with the Member on all pricing and service matters regarding the Member’s online inquiry.
3.6.4 If the Partner is in contact with the client prior to receiving the inquiry from the Provider, to reject the inquiry via email to the Provider.
3.6.5 By rejecting the inquiry, the Partner is not obliged to provide the Service as detailed in the online inquiry to the Member. In this case, the Provider will confirm the Partner’s inability to fulfil the booking request to the Member.
Partners can choose to enable booking online for three services; a) meeting rooms, b) virtual office, and c) day pass. Partners can turn this functionality on or off per service at any time during their Membership. All online booking requests via the Platform are emailed to the Partner to be accepted or rejected.
3.7.1 By agreeing to sell Services through the online booking option, the Partner agrees to the following terms and conditions: Respond to the Provider’s booking requests via email by the next business day, or within 24 hours of receiving the Provider’s email, by accepting or rejecting this request. By accepting, the Partner enters into a legally binding Agreement to provide the Service as detailed in the booking request to the Member. In this case, the Provider will confirm the Partner’s confirmation of the booking to the Member with the Partner in copy. After accepting the booking, it is the Partner’s responsibility to communicate with the Member on all logistical and practical matters regarding the Member’s booking. The Partner must keep the Provider copied on all email correspondence with the Member regarding their booking. By rejecting the request, the Partner is not obliged to provide the Service as detailed in the booking request to the Member. In this case, the Provider will confirm the Partner’s inability to fulfil the booking request to the Member. The Partner can cancel a confirmed booking after the Provider has notified the Member if the space becomes unavailable or unusable with at least 7 days’ notice to avoid inconveniencing the Member. Accept 24 hours cancellation notice with a full refund from the Member for meeting room and day pass bookings. The Partner is responsible for any changes to the booking the Member wishes to make and for collecting any additional fees, taxes or services associated with the changes.
3.7.2 To be able to sell Services through the online booking option, the Partner must update the Service(s) descriptions to include the following: An accurate and up-to-date description of what the Service(s) includes, such as amenities and features. Detailed description of the access procedures, including limitations of use. Detailed description of the contractual obligations, including additional fees due, such as security deposit.
4.1 Once a Member, whom the Provider has introduced, occupies or acquires the Partner’s Service as a result of the Provider’s referral, it is the Partner’s responsibility to inform the Provider in writing within 24 hours of the signed contract or confirmed booking by the Member.
4.2 Once the Partner notifies the Provider, the Provider’s introductory commission becomes payable in accordance with the terms of the Membership Agreement.
4.3 It is the Partner’s responsibility to ensure any Service provided to the Member will:
4.3.1 comply with these Terms and Conditions
4.3.2 comply with all legal, tax and health and safety rules and regulations
4.3.3 have obtained all necessary insurance, licences, permits and registrations
4.3.4 not breach any agreements the Partner has entered into with any third parties
5.1. The Partner will provide use of their facilities in accordance with the Service(s) booked by the Member, which includes but is not limited to the following; a) Day Pass, b) Coworking, c) Office Space and d) Meeting Rooms. The Partner will supply the following accommodation services to the Member during business opening hours (which may change from time to time), Monday to Friday (other than public holidays):
5.1.1 The heating, lighting, cleaning and maintenance of the workstation and the workspace.
5.1.2 The use in common with others of equipment and those parts of the workspace intended by the Partner for use by the Member and others, including the kitchen (if any) and communal areas
The day pass service includes using a workstation (being the desk and chair), including an Internet connection, for the duration of the Partner’s opening hours.
The coworking service includes using a workstation (the desk and chair), including an internet connection, up to the number of hours or days included in the Service. The Partner may, at any time and in its absolute discretion, assign the Member to any workstation in the centre. If no workstation is available for use to the Member, the Partner can, at its discretion, offer usage of internal meeting rooms in lieu of this.
5.4.1 Private Office space service includes using assigned workstation(s) (including the desk and chair within a private office.
5.4.2 At the Partner’s discretion, the Member(s) shall have access to the workspace during agreed access and visiting hours.
5.5.1 Meeting Room service includes the use of meeting rooms, boardrooms and conference services by the day, half day or hour.
5.5.2 The Partner must provide the same category of room (and amenities) as advertised and booked by the Member
5.5.3 If the booked room is unavailable, the Partner must provide a suitable alternative or upgraded room option.
5.6.1 Depending on the Service(s) chosen, the Member is entitled to use the Partner’s business address(es) as stated in the Agreement.
5.6.2 The Partner will handle the mail according to instructions specified by the Member and the Partner’s terms of service.
5.7.1 Depending on the Service(s) chosen, the Partner will supply the Member with a dedicated telephone number, either with an automated or live answering service.
5.7.2 The Partner will handle the telephone calls according to instructions specified by the Member and the Partner’s terms of service.
6.1 The Partner shall keep appropriate insurance for each location listed on the Platform, according to the legal requirements of the Partner’s jurisdiction.
7.1.1 The Partner’s Membership fees are payable yearly in advance and are non-refundable.
7.1.2 Invoices are sent out on 1 November each year with 30 days payment terms.
7.1.3 If the Partner has any questions regarding any charges that have been applied to his account, the Partner must contact the Provider’s Customer Service Department within 30 days of the charge date.
7.1.4 Payment must be made by the valid credit card designated by the Partner or by bank transfer or direct debit.
7.1.5 The Partner must promptly notify the Provider of changes to (a) the account number or expiration date of the Partner’s designated card; (b) the Partner’s billing address; or (c) the cancellation, theft or loss of the Partner’s designated card.
7.1.6 Any payment received after the due date will be charged a late payment fee of €50 (or €80 if the amount is above £1,000) as compensation, in addition to interest on the sum due at the base rate of the Bank of England + 12% per annum, calculated daily.
7.1.7 The Partner will bear all banking charges.
7.2.1 In accordance with the membership level stipulated in the Membership Agreement, the Partner agrees to pay a referral fee to the Provider for any completed Service(s) bookings or Service(s) contract signed generated from the Platform.
7.2.2 For the Service(s) booked or contract signed as a result of an accepted email inquiry via a) the Platform (automatic or manual) or b) from the eOffice team, the Partner will collect payments directly from the Member.
7.2.3 The Provider will generate referral fee invoices in accordance with the Membership level stipulated in the Membership Agreement and on the basis of the Service(s) bookings and Service(s) contracts information provided by the Partner. Information need to be provided by the Partner within 24 hours of the Service(s) bookings and Service(s) contracts signature. Payment of the referral fee invoice will be due within 30 days of the issue date.
7.2.4 Each Service referral fee is defined in accordance with the membership level stipulated in the Membership Agreement and invoiced as follow
- Meeting Room referral fee is a percentage of the booking total amount. The referral fee is invoiced by the Provider at reception of the booking invoice provided by the Partner.
- Day Pass referral fee, if applicable, is a percentage of the booking total amount. The referral fee is invoiced by the Provider at reception of the booking invoice provided by the Partner.
- Coworking / Office referral fee is a percentage of one monthly fee. The referral fee is invoiced by the Provider on a monthly basis, for the duration of the contract, up to a duration of 12 months. Referral fee invoicing starts at the signature of the Service Contract.
- Virtual Office referral fee is equal to one Virtual Office monthly fee. The referral fee is invoiced once by the Provider at the signature of the Service Contract.
7.3.1 The Provider will collect all payments via the Platform for the Service(s) booked by the Member(s). The Provider will pay the Partner fees for these booking minus the due referral fee, in accordance with the membership level stipulated in the Membership Agreement.
7.3.2 The Provider will send a Monthly Summary Statement of bookings and total referral fees to the Partner in the first week of each month. The Partner is responsible for providing an invoice for the amounts specified in the Summary Statement for payment.
7.3.3 Invoices will be paid once a month for all bookings that take place each calendar month.
7.3.4 Upon receipt of the Partner invoice, the Provider will make payment in the second week of each month.
7.3.5 Each Service referral fee is defined in accordance with the membership level stipulated in the Membership Agreement and invoiced as follow
- Meeting Room referral fee is a percentage of the booking total amount.
- Day Pass referral fee, if applicable, is a percentage of the booking total amount.
- Virtual Office referral fee is equal to one Virtual Office monthly fee.
8.1 The eOffice brands and logos are registered Trademarks of eOffice. The Partner may not use the eOffice logo and brand in any document or publication, including the internet and in any way in connection with his/her business unless previously agreed in writing with eOffice.
8.2 eOffice grants the Partner a non-exclusive, revocable right to use the eOffice eNetwork logo only to promote the eOffice eNetwork. The Partner must not use the eOffice logo and brand in any document or publication, including any internet information unless it relates to business under the eOffice eNetwork scheme.
9.1 The Partner understands that by using the Platform and adding Listing(s):
9.1.1 The Provider is not responsible for the Agreement nor any interactions or transactions between the Partner and Member.
9.1.2 The Provider is not a real estate agent or broker.
9.1.3 The Provider has no control over the Partner’s or Member’s conduct and disclaims any liability in this regard.
Last Revised: 19 February 2025