Infinite Peripherals was founded in 1993 by Andrew Graham and Jeffrey Scott. The company develops, markets and sells technology and peripheral devices/equipment to support an evolving mobile and wireless business climate and culture. As the business and brand of infinite Peripherals grows and evolves, so do the company’s real estate, workplace occupancy and warehouse requirements. The newly designed office and warehouse space has more than doubled the size of its previous location and significantly increased its functionality. One cool future of the space is that many of the glass panels in the workstations are used as writable surfaces.
The culture and work process at Infinite Peripherals is collaborative and team oriented. With the exception of the customer facing area, conference room, working conference room and tech room, Infinite Peripherals requested an open, light filled environment for all staff to enjoy. Although the previous facility had fairly new furniture, Infinite Peripherals chose to incorporate all new furniture products in the new workplace design solution. Some visual and audio privacy was required in the design as sales staff spend significant time on their phones.