BBDO is a worldwide advertising agency network, with its headquarters in New York City. The agency began in 1891 with George Batten’s Batten Company, and later in 1928, through a merger of BDO (Barton, Durstine & Osborn) and Batten Co. the agency became BBDO. The agency’s Russian operations are based in Moscow, and the offices were designed by Nefaresearch. The main challenge that faced Nefaresearch’s architects, was to reconstruct a four-story factory building dating back to the 19th century into an office space fit for advertising agency.
The style of the office had to resemble an art centre, rather than traditional office. The aim was to create with irony a rich dynamic and contemporary image in the BBDO’s branded palette (red, white, grey and black), covering and unifying all office spaces and in the same time dividing them into functional zones.