New technology has opened up so many different ways of working. The online economy is limited only by the imagination of entrepreneurs. If you are hoping to make a living by doing business online you are spoiled for choice, and perhaps you will be the source of the next big idea! At the very least, you will be saving money by running your business in the virtual world where shop windows are so much cheaper than those on the high street.

First Things
Before you begin you have some decisions to make.
First, have a close look at your own skills and especially what interests and motivates you. Running an online business is hard work and if you don’t get a kick out of what you do you won’t stand the pace for long.
Second, be clear about where you want to work. For most people that will be at home, but for those who want to engage with people, there is no substitute for the face-to-face meeting.
Third, decide on your resources—your office and your technology. You will want reliable equipment that suits your style of work. For instance, if you are going to be working away from your base you will want to check out the 2 in 1 laptops available.
Words, Words, Words
There is plenty of scope for people who are good with words:
- Editing and proof-reading are largely done online today. If you have a particular area of knowledge you might start by approaching a specialist publisher.
- With another language, there is every possibility that you can get reliable work translating.
The Numbers Game
Computers and numbers are a natural marriage.
- Many small firms farm out their accounts to online accountants. If you have accounting qualifications or even good book-keeping skills you may find an income stream.
- If you are serious about money and ready to study the market and take risks, stock or currency trading require a computer and a steady nerve.
People People
There is a surprising number of services that you can offer to individuals over the net if you have the right talents.
- Perhaps you could become an online personal assistant—arranging schedules, organising transport, researching locations. There is plenty of competition from overseas but a local person often has the edge.
- If you have a background in physical education, you could set yourself up as an online fitness instructor—the availability of a trainer at flexible times suits many people’s lifestyles.
- With experience in education, you can tap into the constant demand for home tutoring.
A Whole New World
These ideas don’t begin to scratch the surface—there are so many other fields that are opened up by the internet. The possibility of working online is exciting and challenging. As you set yourself up you may discover new depths of meaning in the word insecurity.
Yet with persistence, talent, and a little luck, you can make a living for yourself that is both fulfilling and financially rewarding.