This farming system is called the Biosphere Home Farming Concept. It was designed by the people at Philips, who call the concept a completely interdependent system. This means that there is no input from an external source, but rather that each specific section relies on another part for its continued operation. The concept has the potential to provide households with not only the food they require to eat, but also provide fresh hydrogen, heat and gas. These can be used for other useful purposes, everything from lighting your home to nourishing your plants.
It must be said that this is a stunning concept, one which not only looks great but also fulfils a very tangible problem society is faced with – namely the lack of self-sufficiency. Sure, this will hardly make you totally self sufficient, but it could go some way towards the right direction. Let’s hope that green ideas like this start to be made into reality, and with heavy hitters such as Phillips behind them, this may well be sooner rather than later.