According to the University of Arizona’s germ guru Dr. Charles Gerba, desks, phones, water fountain handles, microwave door handles and…
Despite advances in business practices, office culture and technology usage, a question that has always lingered in business spaces is…
Planning the interiors of a small workplace is indeed a challenging task but equally delightful as well you will have…
Office design is a critical component of fostering a creative, productive workspace. A good office isn’t just about snacks and…
Most of us know on an intuitive level that it’s easier to concentrate and get work done in a quiet…
When you begin your career as a full-time freelancer, you may be tempted to wing it when it comes to…
The rise of technological developments and the change in consumer behaviour, favouring digital communications, has forced businesses to shift their…
Work environments are advancing, and for some, the wellbeing of the general population that are in there are being influenced…
It can be very daunting having to take on your first commercial premises. So here we are proving a quick…
Every team needs a space to meet and have discussions regarding the business goals and other work-related topics. Sometimes, having…