This new gadget is a great addition to the office if you have an iPhone, allowing you to dock your iPhone into the full sized keyboard and use the Smartphone as an input device alongside the traditional keyboard. It’s called the CompuExpert Wow-Keys full sized keyboard and it will work on both Macs and PCs. In addition you can also get an app for the iPhone allowing you to control your computer with a variety of hotkeys.
Though not revolutionary I think this is a welcome addition that will add convenience for many users, especially for the office oriented techie. What’s more the Wow-Keys also act as a normal dock, allowing you to charge your phone and to connect it to iTunes at the same time. You can even use the keyboard to control the iPhone if you get tired of tapping away at a touch screen all day, I know I sometimes do! It is unfortunate however that the keyboard can’t connect to a computer wirelessly. The product will ship on the 24 May and it costs just under $100.
[Pictures via Mashable]